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🚀 Getting Started

🍃 Let's start to understand the stack.


Include in the Docker Compose file:

  • Nginx
  • PHP FPM (Include: 7.4, 8.2)
  • Portainer
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Database (Include: mariadb 10.3, mysql8)
  • NodeJs (Include: 12.18, 18.12)

tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 22.10 LTS and 23.04 LTS.


Assume you have installed on your machine:

  • Git installed (for Cloning Repositories)
  • Docker & Docker-Compose installed (for running containers)
  • Lib used: Makefile, Bash, Git, SSH, Rsync...

and some ☕ / 🍵

🍭 Tips


sudo apt install git make rsync
sudo apt install git make rsync

Released under the MIT License.